Protecting Human Rights
Helping childrento get the beststart in life

Equality and inclusion activities.
The first area of work manifests itself across development sectors and also has a strong role in our equality and inclusion activities such as our work with people with disabilities and counter discrimination in access to public services. For example, in a country that guarantees the right to education to all but where girls are often excluded or denied access to school, USAID human rights programming might support organizations that advocate for girls’ education programs, while partnering with the Ministry of Education to ensure that schools have the resources in place to support and ensure girls’ education.
Human rights protection
Environment-building emphasizes strengthening the domestic laws and policies, institutions, and actors that help safeguard against abuses. Programming areas include:
– Strengthening the capacity of human rights
– Training justice and security sector personnel
– Ensuring a country’s national laws and policies
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Focused on innovative solutions
The Nature Conservancy is focused on innovative solutions that match the urgency of this crisis.
Saving iconic landscapes on Earth
Building from our past and working with governments, corporations, other partners and you.
Working to make our cities resilient
Cities are expanding their footprint at an alarming rate, human health and access to food and water at risk.